If the cost of car insurance seems prohibitive to you and you aren’t sure if you can afford it, you may be curious about which vehicle make and model is the cheapest car to insure. Before you start comparing the cost of car insurance among different insurance companies and providers, take a look at this post about the cheapest car to insure and other common questions about auto insurance in your area:
While a lot of different factors go into the cost of car insurance, some cars are cheaper to insure than others. The ten cheapest cars to insure on the east coast are:
Your auto insurance company will determine your auto insurance pricing based on a variety of different factors. Some are universal, some are specific to your region or the make and model of your car, and some are specific to you and your overall driving record and demographic information. Auto insurance providers look at the overall risk that is statistically shown to be present based on you and your car. They look at the following factors:
The less risky your car is to insure, the lower your monthly or quarterly auto insurance premium will be.
Another factor in your car’s auto insurance rates are the add-ons or extra features that you have chosen. Cars that have high-tech safety features may be more expensive to repair, but they may also be less likely to experience an accident. An upgraded or more powerful engine may indicate that you’re at greater risk for speeding and auto accidents. These extra features are usually bundled together by auto dealers and considered “trim levels.” A base trim level may be an indicator that your auto insurance will be less expensive, as you’ll have fewer added features.
If you want to lower your overall cost of auto insurance, you should avoid these types of vehicles, which typically have more expensive auto insurance premiums:
Yes, you are legally required in all US states to purchase auto insurance if you are the owner and/or driver of the vehicle. All drivers of the vehicle must be insured, either separately or on the same policy. If you are caught driving without insurance, you can be responsible for paying large fines, appearing in court, having your license revoked and car impounded, and possible doing jail time. If you’re in an auto accident and don’t have insurance, the driver of the opposing car can file a lawsuit against you for damages, or their auto insurance company can file a subrogation claim against you. Overall, the cost of car insurance is lower than the cost of paying for damages after an accident or being taken to court for lack of insurance.
If you’re curious about the cost of car insurance for your car and driving record, just give us a call at Hull Maynard Hersey Insurance. We’re a one stop shop for insurance needs, and we offer varying levels of auto, home, boat, motorcycle, commercial, and general insurance throughout the East Coast. Our staff has years of experience in finding the lowest rates possible for each client, and we represent several national and regional insurance carriers, including Safeco Insurance and The Travelers. This allows our clients more options so that they can find the right policy for their budget and needs. We won’t try to pair you with a one-size-fits-all policy. We’ll help you explore your options for your insurance coverage. Call us at (800) 693-3002 or request a quote online.